Meet your doula

Cynthia Miranda, Doula

Hi! I'm Cynthia. I have always loved learning about birth, and everything a woman's body goes through to prepare for, grow, and deliver a baby. I believe that a woman's body is beautifully designed by God to bring forth life. I also believe that education is the best way to combat fear and pain. I believe that every woman should be empowered to have knowledge and understanding of her body, and the changes it is going through during the miracle of childbirth.

I have 5 children. My children have been delivered in 4 different hospitals, in two states, with 5 completely different labors and deliveries. My experiences allow me to support women in all situations, even if things don't go according to plan. My role in supporting you is exactly that - I want to support you and your family in the way that is best for each situation, however that will look for you.

I live west of Fort Worth, in Aledo. I am an active member in my local church, and serve when I can. I homeschool 4 of my 5 kids (one has graduated and is adulting on his own). We are also involved in many homeschool activities around Fort Worth. In my free time, I enjoy reading, learning about pregnancy and birth, and exploring Fort Worth.

I was certified by Birth Boot Camp as a birth doula in 2022.

I was certified as a Stillbirthday Birth and Bereavement doula* in 2024.

*Although I have not experienced a struggle to conceive or pregnancy and infant loss, I have completed the SBD comprehensive training and seek to honor families giving birth in any outcome and in any trimester.

Contact me if you have any questions!